Laser Assisted Spinal Restoration (L.A.S.R.) is a new therapy for patients suffering from chronic neck and low back pain. This treatment utilizes two of the most technologically advanced treatments for back and neck pain, Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression and Class 4 Medical Laser Therapy. The ‘Spine Specialist’ computer automated laser delivery system combines these therapies for an unparalleled treatment effect.
All The Elements Of A Disc Injury Are Addressed
Treatment Is Optimized For the Best Recovery Possible
Exclusively Available At:
Synergy Rehabililtation & Sports Clinic - Toronto (North York)
6020 Yonge St., Toronto ON M2M3V9
Request more information, and schedule an appointment today.
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I injured my low back in a fall, landing flat on my hip. Over the next two days, my pain became unbearable traveling down my leg and making my right foot numb. I was diagnosed by MRI with a severely herniated disc from the fall and recommended to have surgery. I scheduled my consult with the spine surgeon and began physiotherapy to build as much strength before surgery as possible on the advice of my doctors. My surgery was scheduled at 3 months and I was on a mission to find another option being so scared of going under the knife. I was told by my specialist to try traction so I googled options for back pain, found the Spine Specialist website, and couldn’t believe that it was right here in my back yard which I took as a sign. I had to try this if it could save me from surgery. I was told I was a severe case and it would take some work but after 2.5 months of treatment I decided to cancel my surgery being almost pain-free. To my surgeon’s surprise, my most recent MRI also shows no trace of the disc herniation and I can play with my kids again not worrying about my back going out! Thank you Spine Specialist L.A.S.R.
Lift Truck Driver. I’ve had low back pain come and go as long as I can remember. Over the past couple years though it had been much worse in the small of my back and longer lasting which I just chalked up to my job and age, but when it started to shoot down the back of my legs I knew I had to do something. I went through almost a year and a half of every type of therapy I could think of from Chiropractic, to Physiotherapy, Acupuncture and even Spinal Decompression spending a ton of money with minimal lasting results. I thought I was out of options. When I went for my consult for The Spine Specialist I didn’t even want to give it a try since I thought Spinal Decompression was the best therapy had to offer for a back injury and I had already spent almost $4000.00 on a 25 session plan of that. Was I ever wrong! Between being able to stretch my back in specific directions and having the help of the robotic laser therapy applied at the same time, unlike my previous Spinal Decompression treatments on a very expensive looking table, I can say I was more improved in 5 visits on the Spine Specialist than I was in 25 on the space age looking table I unfortunately paid an insane amount to try first.
Retired Medical Doctor. At my age having pain and severe arthritis in my spine is not surprising. I maintain a reasonable amount of activity to stay flexible but I also have Scheuermann's Disease, an acceleration of degenerative change in the thoracic and lumbar spine which makes relief more difficult and activity that much more important. When I saw the Spine Specialist advertised I just had to investigate as I’m always skeptical of but interested in new treatment technologies. My skepticism was gone after one experience of this treatment. To speed healing and muscle relaxation using laser therapy and to decompress the spine under said laser seems like a perfect utilization of synergy in treatment technologies and I applaud the creator of this device for his foresight in making it a reality. I’m confident to say that being able to be treated on this device has made me feel at least 10 years younger and has given me back the mobility that I thought I had lost forever.
Professional Chef and Caterer. I spend the first 2 hours of my day chopping, dicing and preparing meats and vegetables for a very busy restaurant and the rest of the day on my feet cooking in a hot kitchen. One morning while chopping vegetables my entire neck locked up and I had tingling down into my little finger and my forearm. One of my employees had been on the Spine Specialist for a similar injury so he sent me there right away. After the first visit I had noticeable relief and after 7 visits I was back to normal again. I’ve had the injury before and was usually feeling the effects of it for over a month but within 2 weeks I was 100% and have not had the problem return going on 1.5 years now that I maintain a schedule of maintenance visits every 4-6 weeks. Down time is very costly in my line of work so finding this treatment option has saved my business in ways I can’t even describe.
As an ex-professional bodybuilder, lifting since 16 years old, I have put my body through the paces over the years. I stopped lifting for 2 years straight due to a severe low back injury and every attempt to return to even light lifting left me re-injured within 2-3 months. I was so frustrated and I thought I could never go back to the sport I loved again. Then I found the Spine Specialist in a newspaper ad. I went through the initial intensive sessions for 2 months, 3 times a week and by the end of the first month I started lifting again pain free purely for fitness. I maintain treatments every 2-4 weeks and I can’t believe I’m saying that even after 1 year of solid lifting I have not had one trace of the injury returning. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to be active again and I can’t express how happy this has made me.
Emergency Room Nurse. I strained my neck lifting a patient and felt an immediate shock down my right arm to my thumb and 1st finger, I knew right away that I re-injured a disc in my neck. It had been about 15 years since the last time this happened playing field hockey and finding the Spine Specialist I could tell that treatment methods had thankfully improved since then. A health professional myself, it made so much sense to be able to angle the machine to the side focussing on the side of my injury and I wondered why it hadn’t been thought of before. Within 12 visits I was back to work on close to regular duties compared to almost 6 months off the first time it was injured. I’m 15 years older and I healed much faster thanks to the Spine Specialist!
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